Shadow Me Academically has been created because a gap exists between middle school and high school accountability. With rigor increasing, students begin to struggle in math and science as concepts are tacked on with the expectation of the previous material from prior units still being expected. Pacing of Pre-AP classes and AP classes could cause a degree of uncertainty due to a need for more practice or differentiation in teaching techniques. Home schooled students could also benefit from more science and math exposure. Plus, let’s not forget when unexpected things happen, like multiple absences (personal or school-related) that might cause gaps in learning.
We have state certified educators in Collin County who can guide the learning. Our educators love sharing their knowledge with others and are great at providing those long lasting “aha” moments, which will ultimately assist in our mission to improve student confidence and mastery of material. Teachers will remind students of material they should have learned, discuss misconceptions, explain concepts to offer a different perspective to deepen the learning, and help bridge gaps where needed. If a student has multiple absences, priorities interfering with school tutoring, or if the student just wants to hear it again one more time given a different perspective, we can help!